First things first. What the heck is ‘your bliss’? Glad you asked! Your bliss is your passion, your dream. It’s the thing that makes your heart literally sing. Your bliss is the thing you love to do and when you do it… it’s as if time no longer exists. Hours can sometimes feel like minutes! Your bliss is a beautiful thing.
But what if you haven’t found your bliss yet? Hey, no stress! We’re here to help! We’ve shared our 5 simple ways on how to find your bliss before but today we’re delving (oh we like that word) deeper in to the bliss finding tip of: going back to your childhood.
Huh. Hang on, why should we reflect on our past? When we’re always harping on about living in the now! It seems contradictory but it’s not… it really isn’t. We promise. We’ve found that going back to our childhood can create more love, laughter and creativity in our lives and it can for you too!
To start off with, reflect on your childhood and try to enjoy this process. During this reflection, seek good memories and fun times where laughter and joy were present. For us, our childhood was full of lots of craft and cooking days. We LOVED making cards, jewellery, scrapbooking, painting and we loved to create businesses where mum and dad would buy all of our creations (sometimes our neighbours were good customers too!).
We LOVED making muffins, cakes and nachos (even if they came out of a packet sometimes! Eek!). But, upon this reflection, it makes sense that our bliss (the merrymaking kind) has a foodie/creative content side of things! We loved doing it as kids and we still love doing it as ‘adults’, perhaps even more now!
Going back to your childhood and adding more FUN in to your life means that you can relax and give your mind and heart time to seek out bliss! When you forget about everything else and you’re present in moments full of joy, your bliss will find its way to you.
Whether it be in the form of a light bulb/AHA moment, an urge to travel, the inspiration to create or something else, listen to those messages that come through and act on them. AND if worst comes to worst and nothing at all comes through on a certain occasion… well, you’ve spent time having FUN… so, worst comes to worst is actually best coming to best!
Your action steps:
Take 10 minutes today and use this time to reflect on your childhood. You may like to sit quietly and reflect, you might like to look at old photographs, you could write about your childhood… or if you can’t remember, ask your mum, dad, sibling or someone who was close to you about your childhood. See what pops up (leave us a comment and tell us about it!).
Now that you’ve reflected it’s time to relive your childhood! This is the fun part! Whether it be in line with your reflection or not… the point of this exercise is to HAVE FUN and LAUGH A LOT! Sounds pretty good, yes? We think so! Schedule a Sunday and make it your FUNday! Your FUNday needs to be jam packed of only things that bring joy to your life, or that used to bring joy to your life as a child!
Still thinking? That’s ok because we’ve come up with a whole list of FUNday things that might light a spark in your bliss!
- Go on a mini trip! We love Sydney and find that when we’re there we find LOADS of inspiration! In fact… we’re writing this blog post in Bondi on our super cute Surface Pro3’s! Told you! Travelling has to power to inspire!
- Visit a place you LOVED as a child. We LOVED going to the zoo! The animals, the sun, the nature! Everything is fun at the zoo. We recently stayed over night at the Sydney Zoo and got to feed the animals and see them at night! Yep! A real adventure! Got to tick that off our bucket list! It was SO amazing! We even made a fun photo album for you to check out on our OneDrive!
- Get crafty! Pick up a bunch of craft supplies from your local cheap shop and glue it, paint it, cut it, paste it, pin it, sparkle it… whatever it! Just make something cute and have fun doing it! Stuck for ideas? Check out Pinterest for DIY inspiration!
- Get out in nature! Remember how much time you used to spend outside as a kid? Yep! We do! ALOT OF TIME! Every afternoon was spent climbing trees, playing cops and robbers, riding bikes and running around until sun down. Nature is amazing. We have many AHA! Moments in nature. Magic lives in nature. True story.
- BOARD GAMES! When mum and dad used to say ‘yes!’ to playing a board game with us it was seriously like the best. Day. EVER! So, we say set a play date with friends/family and get out scrabble, monopoly or game of life! Board games rock. When we can’t get the whole family together we always try and make the most of any down time by adding FUN! Our Surface Pro 3 + OneNote + Pen makes several appearances for games of naughts and crosses! Emma always wins 🙁
- Colour in! This is kind of like ‘get crafty’ but a little different. There’s something therapeutic about colouring in.
- Set a play date! Even better… set the play date at your local playground! Seriously… hang on the monkey bars, swing on the swings (and yell out “I’m going to visit the moon!”… surely we’re not the only kids who did that?), spin round and round on those spinny things until you can’t walk straight… too. Much. Fun! And yes… we do this quite often… and yes, it is extremely FUN!
Give this a try! What’s the BEST that could happen? What did you LOVE to do as a kid? What are your most fondest, funnest childhood memories? Leave us a comment and let’s discuss!
Always merrymaking,
Emma + Carla
This content has been created as part of our involvement in Microsoft’s #WorkWonders Program.